Snowed In

Coming off a week of snow days, my mind is mush. I grew up in the snow country of upstate NY, but life is very different when it snows in the south. Only the main roads get plowed and salted here, so driving anywhere is a concern. Hence the run on all grocery stores and the rash of cancellations the minute the weather man whispers snow.

Snow days play with my emotions. One minute I'm feeling happy to see every one around the table playing a board game...

And the next, I'm discouraged and impatient walking into a kitchen disaster zone!

One minute everyone is happy and laughing, and the next I feel like I'll go crazy refereeing one more argument!

But, today I'm thankful...

My car is now parked in the garage instead of way up the street.

I can go to sleep without hearing warnings of frozen pipes and power outages.

My teenagers can drive again! Listening to protests about not being able to drive, and worrying when they had to drive, was by far the worst part of the snow days for me.

I don't need to stock up on milk!  I can go to the grocery store anytime I want.

We had so many sledding days in a row. I think my kids may have done more sledding this week than I did in all my years living in NY. 

Even my dad and his dog walked over to join in the fun!

Halfway through the week, I told my husband this was like Christmas, only better. Everyone is home and enjoying family time, but there's no pressure to decorate, bake, or complete a long list of traditions. No shopping or wrapping. It's the way moms always fantasize Christmas vacation will be!

So even though snow days are not usually my thing, I really did enjoy most of this week and I know my kids did too!

If you want to know what it feels like to be snowed in all week, check out this funny video my friends made about their experience! Click here to see the YouTube video.


  1. Hi Marie!
    I feel guilty . . . Our Southern California temperatures have been pleasantly warm the last few weeks, and then we were blessed with rain yesterday. No snow, of course . . . but I've seen how much of the South and East Coast has been hit hard with cold temps, snow, and ice. You"re all going to be so happy when Spring finally rolls around!!
    Loved reading that you're making the best out of your snow days!!
    Sending warm hugs,

  2. My kids would love to go sledding! This kind of sounds like what summers here can be like when it gets so hot you can't really go outside. The joy the agony all mixed in! I am glad you enjoyed it though and now you are back to life as usual.

  3. We had 2 snow days last week but no snow. I agree a little can be fun!

  4. I'm always excited for snow days - and then ready to see them go and get back to normal again!

  5. Good for you to see the blessing in it! I hope it doesn't last too much longer for you. :)

  6. Ha, I can so relate! We have had so many snow days this winter and the snow really has been so crazy that we have had 2/3 days at a time where we've been stuck in the house :) It definitely has it's good and bad moments... Snuggled up watching movies, good. Referring another sibling argument, bad! #thetruthabout

  7. I like the idea of it being like Christmas but better! You're right sometimes we do kind of miss out on some of the fun of the season in amongst the stress of planning and organising it all. I also hate when snow keeps you indoors and you get cabin fever. Also the worry of driving on icy roads. I thought you lived in New England..l'm confused now... sounds a bit like England though where it snows so infrequently that the infrastructure is never ready and always taken by surprise and side roads are completely treacherous (the one time that I'm happy to live on a main road!). Thanks so much for linking up with #thetruthabout this week hon Xx

  8. Snow in the south sounds a lot like snow in the UK. Here, it's scary and our infrastructure isn't designed to cope, so things tend to grind to a halt if you're not on a gritting route. So happy to hear that everyone has been playing nicely (most of the time) and that you're still holding on to your sanity. Wish it was Spring already...

  9. What a great perspective!
    We currently live in the DC metro area, but are eager to return to the South (where my husband grew up and I spent my college years). It's fun when it snows there. Up here it's just more work to do!

  10. Never a snow day for us in Montana - but I do love a weekend when outside the windows the world is white, and my family is all tucked at home, so I can relate to this! Hang in there - Spring is almost here!

  11. Hi Marie!
    Just checking in on you! I hope that you're all doing well.
    Haven't seen a post for several weeks . . . . Miss you :0)

  12. Being snowed in definitely isn't fun! I love your positive perspective here.

    Hip, hip, hooray for the sledding - SOOO much fun!

    Thanks for sharing Marie! (Although I'm kind of glad spring is finally here).


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