It's My Blog Birthday!

Normal Everyday Life is turning ONE! It's been a whole year since I started this blog. What fun it's been to put my thoughts out there and have people relate and respond to them!

Just in case you missed my first post, Am I Normal?, here's an excerpt that I hope I've lived up to this year...

I like to read about normal life, the things that happen everyday.  Things that make me say, "Oh, I can relate to that!"  The posts that stick in my mind the longest and keep me coming back to read a blogger are the ones that inspire the feeling that she's just like me.  She's had those "losing it" moments where the house is a wreck, there's nothing for dinner, and the kids are talking back.  She knows what it's like to fail as a wife, a parent, a friend.  And she's gotten back up, said she's sorry, and started all over again.

I started this blog to document my life, to celebrate the big and small moments, but I've loved hearing about the lives of others as well! I've "met" other bloggers that I enjoy checking in with regularly in other parts of the United States and even in other countries. It's sort of weird that I'll find myself wondering how a situation in their family turned out or what color they've decided to paint their kitchen. I guess that just proves the power of the written word. It's an amazing window into a writer's world!

Today I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who reads and comments on my posts. I really appreciate you spending a part of your day with me! I hope you'll keep visiting me here for another year!


  1. Happy blog birthday! I'm like you, I like the blogs that are about every day life the most. Which is why I'm a huge fan of yours :) And also you have twins. So that's an added bonus hehe.

  2. Congrats! I really have to read your older blogs!

    1. Thanks for being one of my regular readers, Leslie! :)

  3. Happy blog birthday! Well done on a year! Quite an achievement!!
    Congrats x

  4. Happy blog birthday! One year is a great accomplishment. I love your blog - it's one of my favorites!

  5. Thanks, Dana! I've enjoyed getting to know you, too!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Congratulations, Marie!

  7. Marie, so exciting to hear this is your one year. Wow you've written a lot in one year, and you have a fabulous blog! Looking forward to your posts in the years to come!

  8. Happy Birthday to Normal Everyday Life...
    here's to many more brilliant years ahead x

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday!! I am so glad this celebration is taking place, because it means we were able to get to know one another!

    Here's wishing for many more wonderful blogging years!

  10. Happy Blogthday Marie! Yeah, I know, that word's not gonna stick, but this place has! Thank you for sharing your good days and your bad, your challenges and triumphs. Blessings on year two!

  11. I'm so glad I've found your blog! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of other bloggers at various times in the week wondering how their new baby is doing or how their family pictures turned out. haha!

  12. Happy 1st Blog-day! I am coming up to one year too and wondering where the time has gone… lovely to have found you #sharewithme

  13. Happy Blog Birthday - and many more of them to come :)

  14. Happy 1st blog birthday! Just found you through the #sharewithme linky xx

  15. Happy Blog Birthday :) I love your blog, it's always a lovely read. Here's to next the next year!

  16. Ahhh Happy Blog Birthday. Our first year is almost the same time. It's so great to start together and see how we both have come in our little space online. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have and by the sounds of it you have! Here's to another great year Thank you so much for linking up and the continual blog support! #sharewithme

  17. Happy Birthday to you! I just celebrated one year of my business in July and it feels good doesn't it? To reflect and see all you accomplished? I found you on the Shine Blog Hop and am Happy I did because I have been thinking of creating a second blog, more lifestyle focused, my current one is business-based. Your words, "I started this blog to document my life, to celebrate the big and small moments..." stood out to me. I have been on the fence about opening up my personal life, marriage, life's triumphs, etc. Your words really resonated and have pushed me one more step in the direction of creating a lifestyle blog. Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. Happy Blog Birthday! My favorite posts are also the ones that show another mom is just like me—tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, over-scheduled...and yet also totally in love with this whole being a mom thing. That's the beauty of the blogging world, I think: the opportunity to connect with other moms facing the exact same challenges. Thanks for linking up with the #SHINEbloghop!

    1. I agree, Katie! I love reading and relating to posts like that!

  19. Happy Blog Birthday, Marie!
    I don't know how long I've been following you, but you're someone that I check on a few times a week :0) I enjoy your writing so much . . . You always bring a smile this way :0)
    Cheers to another great year!
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Your comments always bring a smile to my face!

  20. Happy Blogerversary! Congratulations on completing your first year. I'm only a few months in but reading this post I can tell you that I started Running in Lavender for all the same reasons and am so happy that I did. Here's to the next year... and the one after that xxx

    #ShareWithMe and #AllAboutYou

  21. Happy blog birthday!!!! :)
    I love your quote! It's exactly how I feel. Blogging is so much about connecting with other bloggers.

  22. Congratulations! Thanks for being a part of our Thursday Blog Hop...enjoy your first blogoversary!

  23. Congratulations on reaching your one year blogaversary. Bet it feels great! I totally agree that it's nice to read about other peoples normal lives. I'm not interested in celebrity lifestyles, I too want to know if other people come up against the same things in their lives.

    It's great knowing that other people forget to feed the dog, don't have the washing dry in time or put the spuds on to boil without adding water to the pan. It's nice to know we are all normal-ish!

    1. Very true, Debbie! I can relate to all of those normal things!

  24. Happy Blog Birthday and Congratulations on reaching this milestone for your blog. I'm excited for my first Blog Birthday in just three months!

    After reading this blog post I have realized that I am not so different after all. The things I thought made me odd are actually quite "normal!"

    Hope you basked in the glory of the accomplishment in reaching the one year mark with your blog!

    Enjoy your weekend!


    1. Thanks, Lysa! I think we're all a lot more normal than we think! :)

  25. Happy Blog Birthday Marie! Wishing you many more years of success. Thank you for sharing with us at Wake Up Wednesday!

  26. Wow! Awesome milestone! Blogging can take a lot of effort--you do it so well.


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