Grandparent's Day

This Sunday is Grandparent's Day. It may not be a widely known holiday, but we've certainly got reason to celebrate some special grandparents at our house!

I'm fortunate to live just one neighborhood over from my parents and a few miles from my mother-in-law. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for the help of grandparents, I don't know if we would be the family we are today. You see, ten years ago we had twins, and life became wild. Grandparent help was great when we had three kids, but it became essential when we had five! A couple years after the twins were born, my husband went through four years of night school to get his law degree and then took a job where he travels much of the time. We wouldn't have been able to do all the things we've done if we hadn't had our parents close by.

So just what have our parents been doing over the past ten years? Here's a short list in no particular order:

Chauffeuring and cheering for many games and practices.

Attending school functions and programs, sometimes even when we couldn't be there.

Baking cookies and decorating cakes, roller skating, going to football and hockey games, and visiting the zoo.

Coming up with great Halloween costumes every year...

Babysitting for long and short periods. I could never repay the hourly rate all that's been worth!

Helping with homework. Teaching them to love and care for pets. Playing tennis. Dressing up like Santa Claus...

Overpaying my kids for tasks like feeding the dog and picking up sticks in the yard.

Doing crafts, puzzles, and playing countless board games and rounds of Skip-Bo and Bingo.

Going to kids' movies, playing kickball, blueberry picking, and fishing...

As well as, cheering our family on through all the milestones they've seen their grandchildren achieve..

Happy Grandparents Day to Nanny and Papa, and Grandma! We couldn't do it without you!!!

How about you? Do you have some special grandparents to celebrate in your life?


  1. Our oldest middle daughter is with my parents right now. She is spending the week with them, something our three oldest have had the opportunity to do several times. Yes to all of it!

    1. I'm sure your parents and daughter are having a blast making special memories!

  2. Thanks for the reminder! I was replying to the comment you left on my blog and saw the link to your post. I'm normally good at remembering this holiday but this year had totally forgotten about it! Must run out and get something for my grandma!!!

  3. I didn't realize it was grandparents day. The grandkids are truly a blessing. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't be fishing, roller skating etc. Next summer we start visiting nursing homes,hospitals with Sadie and the girls plus tennis lessons. Fishing during the day before school starts, berry picking early in the morning etc. - Dad

    1. They do keep you active! Retirement will open up a whole new world. Thanks for being such a great Papa! We love you!

  4. Your grandparents seem so sweet! I wish I still had my grandparents. I hope you guys are having a great Thursday!

  5. So jealous! I grew up close to my grandparents, but unfortunately my kids are not. We moved 12 hours away a few years ago, but thankfully my dad has always been great for talking on the phone, Skyping, sending presents, and getting to see them at least once a year!

    I think we are going to need to make Pa-Pa some cards tonight :-)

    Thanks so much for sharing on the #SHINEbloghop!

    1. We used to live far away from the grandparents and it was hard. I'm glad your dad is good about staying in contact and visiting. I'm sure he'll love the cards!

  6. So glad you did this post! I didn't realize Sunday was grandparents day. We may have to send a card! I always took involved grandparents for granted, but now that I have a kiddo of my own and realize how important their role is, I'm so grateful for the grandparents I had and the grandparents my kid(s) have!

    1. I'm sure they'd love a card! Grandparents are always pretty easy to please! ;)

  7. Beautiful tribute to grandparents! Sounds like you have some great ones in your life. I hope to be just like them someday!

  8. I'm not sure if we have a Grandparents Day in the UK but I agree with everything you say - without them - particularly my mum who has travelled a 60 mile round trip every Wedesday for the past four and a half years to look after the childre while we're at work - I don't know where we would be!

    1. How wonderful of her to do that! Making special memories with your little guys!

  9. I didn't know this Sunday was Grandparent's Day! Yikes I've got to plan something good for the great Grandparents in our life! Thanks for sharing your cute family photos. Grandparents are the best!

    1. I'm sure they'll be thrilled with whatever you decide to do, Jennifer!

  10. What a gorgeous family! I had no idea it was grandparents day this weekened!

  11. It has been a great blessing and highlight of my life to live near our children and grandchildren. It was always a dream of mine when I was raising our four and we were not near their grandparents. I am so thankful to see the milestones and be part of their lives. It is truly an enriching experience!
    Marie's mom

  12. That's great, Dana! I'm sure they've enjoyed being a part of your children's lives all these years!

  13. This is a great tribute to your grandparents. I personally don't have a relationship with mine because I barely got to know them. My kids are close to my in-laws though.

  14. How wonderful to have them so close. The relationship between children and their grandparents is so special, they are very lucky x

  15. You're so lucky to have such a close family. I'm so close to my own parents but they live 5 hours away so they're not as involved as I'd (or they'd) like.

    Love the fancy dress pictures, they're hilarious!


  16. Lucky you to have close family around. I think family and extended family like grandparents is so very important in kids lives and part of growing up! Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. What a beautiful post and lovely photos! #sharewithme

  17. awww this is beautiful! i so think we dont really tak on board how much ours do but i will be from now on!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments (sorry im late getting round)

  18. You are so blessed to have your family live nearby! Your kids are so lucky to have them in their lives and be so active in them as well.


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