Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

I always feel like Labor Day Weekend is that last little bit of summer fun before fall really starts. It's a time to say goodbye to one season and welcome another.

This year, we spent the holiday with my college girl. Yay! Even though she's only been gone a short time, it feels like a long time since we've had the whole family together. We had a picnic lunch by a lake and enjoyed some swimming and hiking. Listening to my other kids pepper her with questions about college and tell her all the news of home was heartwarming for me. It was great to hear what she's been doing and really talk for awhile. Phone calls, FaceTime, and texts are wonderful, but they're no replacement for face to face conversation.

We even stopped for a little visit on campus to see her dorm. This thrilled my twins as they've been full of curiosity about where she stays and how it all works. They don't really understand college life, but they know enough to think it looks like something they'd like to try!

As my kids have grown, they've become more and more fun. I look forward to family conversations and think what they say is so interesting. When my children were little, I felt like I knew everything about them. As they've grown, I've come to appreciate the things they share with me as gifts. They alone can choose to let me be a part of their lives and thoughts and feelings. I don't take that lightly. It's a great privilege. Days like today when we share laughter and time are a treasure that I hope never runs out no matter what changes different seasons may bring.

*This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. What a beautiful picture of you and your daughter! How fun that you got to spend the weekend together. I'm sure it will be good for your twins to be able to picture her in her dorm room.

    1. Thanks, Lana! They've been texting all their friends pictures of her room. So proud of their big sister! :)

  2. It's posts like this one, Marie, that are just another reminder of why it's so amazing to be a parent.
    Thanks for sharing! You and your daughter are so darn pretty :0)

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I love the amazing parenting moments. Makes everything else fade away!

  3. Yes! As parents, we lament the days the kids don't depend on us for everything. The times when we're in control. I love when my girls were old enough for big-girl happy meal toys. Front-facing car seats. Sitting in the front seat with dad. Talks, questions, fear, reassurance, hopes, fears. I'm encountering these with my girls at times, and the scope and heft of the issues changes constantly. I love that it's all happening, and at least part of it is happening with me close by.

    1. You're right, loss of control is a scary thing. But that makes it all the sweeter when they choose to spend time and include us in their lives. I'm glad you're experiencing that with your girls, too!

  4. That's such a good reminder of how precious every bit of information kids share with you is, especially when it's something just they know. I feel like its Christmas when my six year old tells me something funny or interesting about his day and he's only in first grade. And I want him to share more and more, but I try not to be too annoying with the questions. I love your blog!

    1. Thanks, Leilani! Haha I'm accused of asking too many questions, too. I try to ration them out, asking them in order of importance! :)

  5. So precious. I often get caught up in the day-to-day and yet one day these children of mine will be all grown up - I pray that we'll be close and that we can talk about all sorts of things.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I get caught up in the day to day, too. When we get away together, even just for the day, I notice I can be more focused on listening and enjoying my kids with no distractions of household tasks.

    2. Yes, we need a break from those distractions to reconnect with one another.

      Thanks for including this post in the #SHINEbloghop!

      Wishing you a lovely evening.

  6. I sighed while reading this thinking of what that day will be like for our family. I pray my children continue to be close as they get older. It's heartwarming to hear about your childrens' interactions.

    1. Thanks! I think sibling rivalry does get better with age! :)

  7. Loved this, Marie. Nothing like that face to face time! My college age daughter and I also enjoy a close relationship and you're's such a gift!

    1. I can tell that when I read your blog, Joni! Such a treasure!

  8. Your daughter is lovely!

    I love this, " As they've grown, I've come to appreciate the things they share with me as gifts'. That is such a wonderfully true statement. As they grow up sometimes I have found myself profoundly moved by my children's thoughts and feelings.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm glad you feel that way, too. Very special!

  9. Lovely post, and photo.

    Definitely something to look forward to in hearing what they've been up to off their own back, when they've chosen to impart knowledge and what they've been doing. Sounds like it was a lovely weekend #sharewithme

    1. Thanks, Emma! It was fun to catch up and spend time with them!

  10. I love this post. It's good to read about the changes in your relationship with your kids!

  11. It is beautiful, sister. How you show us with your words that the intimacy with our heavenly Father grows sweeter as we grow up in Him. You tell of the "college girl" and your special talks. You share of twins and their curiosity. You share your joy in the moments. This is a spiritual thing - this is a real thing. This is God in you shining through. Thank you for sharing.

  12. This is such a lovely post and a great tribute to all of your kids! I hope your daughter is settling in at college & you're not missing her too much. I have to keep reminding myself that our children are not ours to keep every time my daughters leave home and return to uni all over again, it's not easy though!

    1. She's settling in and as she gets more comfortable, so do I. Seeing her again was great though and I'm glad she's close enough to get together easily!

  13. I love what you said about how much you enjoy your kids as they get older. I have such a hard time with the fact my boys are growing so fast. I love hearing your insight. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It was fun to read your blog and I linked up below!:)

    Cheryl (

    1. Thanks for coming over, Cheryl! I feel sad when I think of them growing up, but when we're actually together, I enjoy it so much more in different ways than I thought I would!

  14. What a lovely photo! I'm so glad you got to visit with your daughter over the weekend, and see her in her new environment. I hope the new adjustments go well for you all!

  15. What a beautiful picture of you and your daughter! Yes, there's such a difference in conversations between my older and younger kids.

  16. So glad you got sweet time with your daughter!! What a beautiful picture of you both!

  17. Thanks, Dana! It's neat to see the people they become!

  18. beautiful ladies! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I hope you saw the giveaway I posted yesterday. Hugs

  19. It is still slightly strange to me that summer 'ends' on Labor Day :) I quite like the distinction, and I love Fall, but I'm used to going by weather and as the last two weeks have been sooo hot it still feels like summer to me :) How lovely that you got to spend time with your eldest for the holiday though, and I bet the others were so pleased to get to see her dorm!

  20. Now that we are living in Okinawa it's warm year round and we are having to get some fall candles and make some fall food to remind us of the changing season.

  21. What a lovely post hunny. Your words are so beautiful and make me excited about my kids being older and sharing pieces of their lives with me. Chatting and experiencing things alongside them. Amazing. Summer is gone and fall is here almost. I can't wait. I love fall! Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. It's my first week back in the UK and my one year blog birthday so it's very busy busy in the LTM household. I am hosting giveaways everyday this week so a bit behind on commenting. So sorry. #sharewithme

  22. what a beautiful post, i am so pleased you have had a lovely summer .. here is to a fantastic fall!
    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments (sorry im late getting round)


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