Oil Painting

A couple months ago, I wrote here about hobbies and how much they enrich my life. One hobby I get a great deal of pleasure from is painting. I've always liked creating art. There's something about getting lost in the process that's very relaxing and satisfying to me. A realtor friend recently asked me to paint a house he had sold so he could give it as a gift to the former homeowner.

The original picture.

The painting was 5x7 and took me between five and six hours to completely finish. That sounds like a long time and others may be able to do it faster, but that's pretty typical for me. I thought it might be fun to show you the progression of something like this. I can't paint an oil painting in one day because some layers need to dry before I can paint more detail over them. Here is the painting in stages:

The initial sketch.

At the end of the first session.

End of the second session.

End of third session.

Framed and ready to go!

I really enjoy painting houses. Each one is unique and has its own story. This week we're traveling in New England and one of the things I'm looking forward to is looking at the houses. They have a different style and architecture than I'm used to seeing in Tennessee. I'm sure I'll be taking lots of pictures and will paint at least one as a memory of our trip!

How about you? Do you have hobbies that you enjoy? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. Oh my gosh that is gorgeous! I can't even draw a stick person! You did an excellent job. Wow.

  2. Love your paintings and can't wait to hear about your trip! This turned out beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Mindy! Feel like I haven't talked to you in a long time. I'll call you when we get back! :)

  3. Beautiful job! I'm sure the homeowners will love it. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Enjoy it!

  4. Marie - you are so talented! This is beautiful!! I wrote about the pleasure of owning art work this week - I can't imagine how special it must feel to be able to create it!! Thanks for sharing - I hope we see more of your paintings soon.

    1. Thanks, Susan! I read that post and you asked what special pieces of artwork we have. Believe it or not, I couldn't think of anything. I forgot about the paintings I've done. They're very meaningful to me for sure, especially the ones with my kids in them!

  5. You are very talented and I really love the painting. This is a gift for you. Do you do alot of commission work ? It's very lovely. My hobbies are making jam/jelly, cooking, and alittle paper crafting. Stopping by from the Where Two or Three are Gathered link up!

    1. Thank you! I love homemade jelly and jam. I always try to buy some when I see it!

  6. Really lovely! We have a picture of the home that we just moved out of and our church that stood beside it as well. It is one of our most prized possessions! It reminds us of God's faithfulness and His remarkable people. I'm certain that the recipients will love it! Awesome gift, both the one that is yours and the one you shared!

    1. Thanks! I wish I had better pictures of the homes we first lived in because I'd love to paint them now. Special memories!

  7. You are so talented Marie! That painting turned out great! I wish I had just a little bit of artistic ability...sadly, I do not!

    1. Thanks, Chelsea! I think you must have some artistic ability if you sew. That's an art in itself!

  8. You paint too, Marie! You're one talented lady :0)
    Your painting is beautiful!
    My hobbies . . . Hmmmmm . . . blogging, photography, and baking/cooking.
    I think it would be great if you shared more of your paintings in another post.
    Sending hugs your way,

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I've taken lots of pictures so far on this trip, so I'm sure I'll paint one of them and post it when I do! :)

    2. Suzanne, I forgot to say that your photography and cooking skills are professional level in my opinion!! :)

  9. You are SO talented!!!!! Hope you are having a blast on your trip!!!!! You need to post a price list for paintings!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Missy! Maybe someday I'll get the courage! :) We're having a great time. Amazing scenery!!

  10. Impressive, Marie! You're multi-talented!

  11. Wow...I'm so impressed! I wish I had more artistic talent. Your oil painting is great!

  12. Beautiful! I always loved your art! I love old houses actually and like to draw those. I never got into painting much. I'd like to take some classes just so I can get a sense of where to begin.

    1. Thanks, Leslie! I appreciate that! I've seen some of your art on Facebook and it's very good. I took a few classes a few years ago and thought it was really fun!

  13. This home looks veeery familiar, Marie! :) You did a great job and my client loved it! THANKS...

  14. Marie, you are a gifted painter. It would take me months to finish this and it would look like abstract gone very wrong. The framing is such a nice compliment to the picture as well.

  15. What a beautiful painting! Thanks for sharing the process of how you put one together. I've always been interested in painting, but have never taken it that far. Maybe now I'll try - I'm inspired! Blessings.

  16. That is a wonderful house warming present! You are talented. I wish I could work with oils. I don't have as much talent as determination. So acrylics dry quickly and I can just cover up hideous areas and keep at it. :)

  17. just stopping by from Be.YOU.tiful link party, and I love the painting! I am a watercolorist, and blog about my travels. I sure hope you will stop by and take a peek!

  18. Fabulous painting Marie x I love to paint too, but I never get the time... perhaps once all the kids are in school I might get some time :)

    1. That's neat, Sara! I'd love to see your paintings!

  19. WOW this is absolutely stunning!!! I would buy this just for a painting in my house. You are so very talented and it's great to have a hobby that is so amazing. Have you ever sold any paintings you have done? If not you should. They are amazing. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  20. I think those paint parties are kind of hard. You have to follow their directions and you feel like the final result has to look a certain way. They're fun though and you get a finished piece at the end!

  21. What an amazing talent to be able to paint like that. I'm in awe! Thanks so much for linking up to the Be. YOU. tiful link party. We always love to see what you are up to:)

  22. Very impressive! You have talent and I am so glad you shared it with the Thursday Blog Hop!!

  23. I am surprised that your painting only took six to seven hours! It really is good!

    I'm no artist by a long shot, the vision in front of me never looks quite the same on paper, so I think I'll stick writing....Painting pictures in peoples minds by using words...Does that count?....

    Popped over from the #SHINEBlogHop.

  24. It is beautiful and such a thoughtful gift too. Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

  25. Oh Marie, is this ever beautiful... and what a wonderful and thoughtful gift!

    You have such a talent!

    Thank you for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely day.


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