Chelsea of
The Contented Wife Blog nominated me for the Sunshine Award. I enjoy her blog so much because it takes me back to early married life staying at home with my oldest. Sappy, I know, but those are really good memories! The Sunshine Award is basically a pat on the back to bloggers you've been inspired by in the blogosphere. It's also a fun way to learn more about the authors!

My first task in accepting this award is to list 11 random facts about me:
I grew up in the North and live in the South. People continue to notice my accent and comment on it, even though it's not as strong as it once was.
I love to read. I think reading is the most wonderful form of entertainment there is.
If left to my own devices, I'm hardly ever bored.
I feel emotions intensely. No one has ever described me as easy going!
I rarely watch TV on my own, but I do enjoy watching certain shows with my family.
I have a terrible sense of direction and cannot find my way anywhere new without very specific directions. Even then, I'll probably get lost at least once!
I like to have a project. Right now, I don't have one and I keep thinking of things I'd like to change about my house.
I have something chocolate almost daily.
I don't like clutter and my kids know that if they're missing a "treasure", Mom probably tossed it!
I actually like cleaning, if it will stay that way for awhile!
I don't like board games. They always feel like they last forever!
For more random facts about me, click
Now I need to answer Chelsea's questions for me and nominate 11 others for the Sunshine Award:
Why did I start my blog and how did I decide in the name? I started my blog because I LOVE to read blogs and it seemed like it would be a fun hobby. I didn't want to put any pressure on myself to come up with fascinating material though, so decided this title would fit best..Normal Everyday Life.
What is the thing you love most about where you live? I have to say the Middle Tennessee weather. I grew up in Western New York where it's a very long winter! Now I'm annoyed when we get snow for a few days!
What is a typical day like for you? Right now it's summer, so every day is different. The things that never change though are cleaning, cooking, and driving kids around!
What is your favorite summertime activity? Definitely going to the pool with friends. I love sitting in a chair visiting with a friend while the kids are happy playing together in the water!
What is your favorite music genre? I live in Nashville, so definitely country music. :)
Do you have any pets? No pets yet. I've always felt like adding a pet would tip me over the edge.
What is your favorite meal? My favorite meal is leftovers or one that I don't have to cook. I have no fascination with cooking and prepare the simplest healthy meals I can get away with!
Where do I love to travel? I like to go to historical places. However, those aren't the types of places my kids like to go, so as a family we usually go to the beach.
What is my favorite blogging resource? I'd have to say Google and other blogs. If I don't understand something, I start searching there first and can usually find the answer on other blogs!
My nominees for the Sunshine Award are:
Here are their questions:
Why did you start blogging?
Are you an early bird or night owl?
Who is your favorite author?
What is your guilty pleasure?
What is your all time favorite TV show?
Name three things on your bucket list.
What's your favorite way to relax?
Do you collect anything?
What's your favorite post on your blog and why?
Do you enjoy appetizers or dessert more?
What is your favorite season and why?
I appreciate Chelsea nominating me for this award and hope you'll check her answers out