End of School Year Lunches

Summer's almost here. Less than three weeks left until my house descends into chaos all day every day. But, I'm totally looking forward to sleeping past 6 am, not having to answer any homework questions, and NOT PACKING FIVE LUNCHES.

I don't know about you, but I'm packing lunches on fumes this time of year. I'm tired of making them and I'm having to force myself to care even a little bit about nutrition at this point. Peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, turkey and cheese, and tuna. So bored with these choices and I'm not even the one eating them. Fruit...please can we just not have to wash any more fruit? Will a few pesticide laden grapes really make a difference in April and May? There are no more fun, slightly nutritious snacks to choose from in the pantry. I'm tempted to throw some Easter candy in a baggie and be done with it.

Of course I love the school cafeteria because it offers such a nice break from packing. Unfortunately, only my two youngest are willing to buy. At the beginning of the year, I let those two angels buy once a week. By the middle of the year, it was twice a week, and now it's whenever they want!

What, you ask, will lunch be like over the summer? Well, it won't be pretty. Some people in the house will start asking by 10 am, what's for lunch? This will drive me to the brink by the second day week. I will have to restrain myself from screaming and calmly tell such persons that I don't want to hear about lunch until noon. But at least the choices will be more plentiful. Hot things will be possible. Leftovers, if we have any, will be first on the list. Peanut butter on a banana, crackers and cheese, or a hodge podge of whatever they can find will work. Grilled cheese and soup, burritos, quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, and pizza will be options.

Maybe they'll even sleep extra late and substitute cereal for lunch. Oh, the glorious possibilities. I know one thing, I won't be packing anything unless it's for the pool!

Did I mention my kids won't even buy school pizza. Really?!? That ought to be a guaranteed child friendly option, but I'm not bitter or anything...

Have you reached your parental packing limit, too? Of course, packing lunches will look like a fair trade off for a peaceful day once August rolls around!


  1. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I love reading your posts. This one made me laugh out loud. You sound like many of my friends who also have grade school and middle school kids. They're all DREADING Summer break!!
    Seriously, you're too funny!
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! It's definitely completely different during the summer than the rest of the year! :)

  2. Oh, I loathe packing lunches!!!! I have gotten lazy with the bagged apple slices, so no more washing fruit for me. Love this post! So relatable.....

    1. Thanks, Joni! I love all pre-washed fruit. Bonus if it's already cut up!! :)

  3. Marie, I cherish the way you keep it real. This is going to be a great journal for your kids to come back and read someday when they have their own lunches to pack. :) xoxo

    1. That's true, Aly! Someday they'll be tired of making their own lunches, too. :)

  4. Wow summer holidays start really early over there! Ours don't start til the end of July. I also don't have school age kids so I can't imagine what this must like - sounds like a bit of a headache! My eldest starts school this September and I've signed him up for (free!) school dinners - just praying he eats them! :-) #MagicMoments

  5. I know how you feel, when kids have their favourites for packed lunches it really can get tiresome making them day after day, especially when you make the amount we do. Holidays really do start early with you, ours don't start until the end of July!

    1. You're right, it's the favorites that wear me out! Certain kids like certain things and I try to do it because I know that I like my meals to be enjoyable. :)

  6. goodby packed lunches .. even if its not forever a few months is a bonus! :-)

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments xxx

  7. Here, here to sleeping late! I wouldn't know how to make varied pack lunches exciting, luckily when mine starts school, his meals are compulsory Phew! #magicmoments

    1. That is nice! One less thing on your to-do list! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I know what you mean, it's getting to the point where I never want to see another turkey sandwich again! We buy organic fruit so the washing isn't as intense, since chemical pesticides aren't used. I have my daughter wash the whole package of strawberries (or whatever type of overpriced berry she begged for at the store) at once and then we're done with it! Of course, you may need a second mortgage to pay for said organic strawberries, but it's all a trade-off I suppose...

    1. Very true! I think I'll have to save organic shopping for after my kids leave. :)

  10. I have always refused to make packed lunches because for one thing, we have excellent school meals and for another, I don't want another thing to add to the list of things to do first thing on a morning. I struck a deal that my girls could have packed lunches in the final term of school and six weeks of trying to make interesting and nutritious offerings is enough for me, so I feel your pain.

    1. Six weeks is certainly long enough to experience it! Were your girls still wanting packed lunches or did they want to buy at school again?

  11. This is a problem with me as my son will start school soon an dhe is not yet ... he doesnt eat on a table properly. Ugh! I am having nighmares already.

    Funny post tho. Made me smile. #MagicMoments

  12. Packing lunches can be a tedious task. The summer holidays start soon where you are! Mel #MagicMoments

  13. I do the same thing with letting my daughter buy once a week in the beginning of the year. By now she's buying more often than not. By the same token, summer break will be fabulous in the beginning and by the time Sept. rolls back around I'll be craving the routine of the school year!

  14. I didn't let my daughter start buying school lunches until this year. I was too worried about all of it. Would she drop her tray? Would she eat it? Was it pink slime? She is now in 2nd grade, and I gave in this year. It was the best decision ever. She buys about 4 days a week and it is AWESOME. I hate packing school lunches. HATE. IT.

    1. Take advantage of her willingness while you can. When my other kids hit middle school, they refused to buy anymore. :(

  15. Haha! WHY do they start asking for lunch at 9:30 am??? That's when my three year old thinks its time for lunch. And he says, "Mom, I want healthy food now. Chips and sandwich." Even though he just ate breakfast. But how can you say no to that?

    1. That would be hard to refuse! It does seem like they're hungry all the time. If I even crack the refrigerator door, I hear them coming! :)

  16. Same thing in this house! I love summer for so many reasons, this is one of them..... Neither of my kids like the school lunch, which is fine, and each morning at 5:15 am I am making the same turkey and cheese sandwich for one and mac and cheese in a container for the other..... Three weeks and counting!!! Yeah!!!!

    1. Another early in the morning lunch packer! Sleeping in will feel great! :)

  17. LOL - I always answer that lunch and dinner question with FOOD! One of my friends told her kids they were not allowed to ask what was for dinner. I think I need to re-instate that rule.

    I'm lucky in that my dh packs lunches, and I have a ds10 who loves to cook. I think he may become the lunch maker this summer. :)

    Thanks for sharing at Motivation Monday, and have a fantastic week, Marie!

    1. Thanks, Barb! "Food" is a great answer and the rule is even better :)

  18. I think we're all CRAWLING over the finish line at the end of the school year! Loved this post. Thanks so much for linking up to the Be.YOU.TIful Link party! And by the way - I feel the same way about lunch at the end of the summer. No more making lunch at noon for so many kids, plus all of their friends!!!

    1. So true! Happy for a break in May, but totally ready for school to start in August! :)

  19. I would be at this breaking point if thankfully my lot decided to go school dinners for a while. I feel for you! But not long to go until they break off for the summer!! #magicmoments xx

  20. Your post cracked me up! My kids are in middle and high school. When they were in elementary I used to pack their lunches too. Then suddenly it became embarrassing to have your mom pack your lunch. UGH!!! I didn't mind though, like you mentioned it can be a lot work. Especially on those mornings when you are really tired and could use a few more minutes rest.


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